How I turned one interview into 14 pieces of content!

I had the privilege of interviewing Behman Zakeri, the new owner of the iconic house in Astoria, Oregon—the very same house that served as the filming location for the beloved movie The Goonies. The interview took place during a live session on my TikTok channel.

What’s fascinating is how this single interview opportunity turned into a wealth of content across various platforms and in multiple formats. Read on to see how I did it.

Let’s break it down:

  1. TikTok LIVE Interview: The heart of it all—the live interaction with Behman—captured the essence of the experience. Viewers engaged, asked questions, and shared their excitement.
  2. Full Video on YouTube: I uploaded the complete interview to my YouTube Channel. This longer format allowed for deeper exploration of the topic and provided a valuable resource for those seeking detailed insights. You can find the interview HERE.
  3. 9 Video Clips on YouTube: From the full interview, I extracted nine compelling clips. Each snippet highlighted a specific aspect: behind-the-scenes anecdotes, architectural details, or Behman’s personal connection to the house. These shorter videos catered to different viewer preferences. You can view the playlist HERE.
  4. Written Interview on My Website: For readers who prefer text, I transcribed the interview and published it on my website. This version included additional context, background information, and relevant links. That interview can be found HERE.
  5. Vocal Account Feature: Vocal, a platform for creators, hosted an extended written interview. Here, I delved into Behman’s motivations, the house’s history, and its impact on fans. That feature can be found HERE.
  6. Medium Article: Medium, known for thoughtful content, was another avenue. I crafted an article that explored the emotional resonance of the house, drawing parallels between nostalgia and community. That article can be found HERE.

Maximizing Impact:

  • Social Media Shares: I strategically shared the interview across TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Each platform attracted a different audience, amplifying the reach.
  • Individual Clips: Over the space of a few weeks I released individual video clips—one at a time—on my social channels. This staggered approach kept the conversation alive and maintained audience interest.

The Takeaway: When you create content, think beyond its original format. Repurpose, remix, and reimagine. Break it into smaller pieces, adapt it for various platforms, and watch your impact multiply. After all, there’s more to gain from a single hit than a one-time post. 

How do you leverage your content? Drop a comment below and let me know your tips and tricks for maximizing content.

I am a Copywriter and Marketing Consultant for Tai Freligh Consulting & Copywriting, a marketing agency based in Huntington Beach, California. TFC provides consulting services for copywriting, marketing, branding, and social media. Give our Company Page a follow on LinkedIn.

You can connect with, like and follow me on social media here: LinkedInTwitter and TikTok.